Market Trends and Hardware Assisted Verification

GSA Executive Interview with Ravi Subramanian, SVP & GM of the IC Verification Solutions, Siemens EDA In this interview with Ravi Subramanian, he identifies the latest semiconductor trends, as well as what’s driving those trends, how they are affecting chip design and functional verification and why he is bullish on hardware-assisted verification. I want to … Read more

Hardware Emulation Plus FPGA Prototyping: A Perfect Fit for Today’s SoC Verification

EEWeb A quick glance in today’s design verification toolbox reveals a variety of point tools supporting the latest system-on-chip (SoC) design development. Combined and reinforced by effective verification methodologies, these tools trace even the most hard-to-find bug, whether in software or in the target hardware. Two of those tools stand out: hardware emulation and field … Read more

Emulation-Centric Power Analysis of SoC Designs

Due to the switch from planar CMOS to FinFET technology, accurate pre-silicon power estimation is more important than ever for system-on-chip designs. ElectronicDesign Lauro RizzattiJAN 14, 2021Related To:Siemens What you’ll learn: How FinFET technology has changed power-consumption analysis. Steps involved in taking a hierarchical approach to performing proper power analysis. Verification expert Lauro Rizzatti recently … Read more

VSORA Pushes the PetaFLOPS for Autonomous Driving

Startup Delivers Accelerated Compute IP EEJournal December 1, 2020by Kevin Morris Autonomous driving is a wildly challenging problem. Of all the headline-grabbing technologies in development today, replacing the human driver in a car probably takes the most computing power, although you wouldn’t guess that from the obvious lack of computing power demonstrated by many of … Read more

Three trends in emulation for 2021: Lauro Rizzatti

Pradeep’s Techpoints POSTED ON NOVEMBER 9, 2020 UPDATED ON NOVEMBER 9, 2020 I first met up with Lauro Rizzatti of EVE, back in 2010, along with Montu Makadia (now, with Mentor). Back then, emulation was strong, (and, remains). EVE had launched the Zebu Server, a scalable emulation system handling 1 billion ASIC gates. This was much before EVE … Read more

Hardware-Assisted Verification Overtakes HDL Simulation

LinkedIn Jean-Marie Brunet, MKTG Director, Mentor, a Siemens Business, jm_brunet@mentor.comLauro Rizzatti, MKTG Consultant, Sept 4, 2020 Over the past two years, a remarkable, though virtually unnoticed financial event  occurred in the electronic design automation (EDA) space: revenue from hardware-assisted verification tools, basically hardware emulation and FPGA-based prototyping, surpassed those from hardware-design-language (HDL) or register-transfer-language (RTL) simulation. … Read more

Design and verify 5G systems, part 2

EDN AUGUST 28, 2020 BY LAURO RIZZATTI, MIKA CASTREN AND RON SQUIERS Designing 5G systems is a daunting task because the technology required to support their powerful capabilities makes them much more complex than their predecessors. This is further aggravated by the need for backwards compatibility/interoperability with equipment based on earlier 4G, 3G, and 2G standards. And, unlike older … Read more

5G Rollout Includes Challenges to Supply Chain, WFH Value

Technews World By Jack M. Germain Aug 13, 2020 The growing work-from-home movement amid the coronavirus and its likely continuing challenges has created the need for additional broadband capacity in more places. Mobile telco and other service providers are rallying around 5G wireless as the most promising solution for reliably faster Internet connectivity. But the … Read more

Combining AI and Advanced Signal Processing on the Same Device

Semiwiki by Lauro Rizzatti on 08-04-2020 A lot has been written and even more spoken about artificial intelligence (AI) and its uses. Case in point, the use of AI to make autonomous vehicles (AV) a reality. But, surprisingly, not much is discussed on pre-processing the inputs feeding AI algorithms. Understanding how input signals are generated, … Read more

Design and verify 5G systems, part 1

EDN JULY 28, 2020 BY LAURO RIZZATTI, RON SQUIERS AND MIKA CASTREN Starting in the 1980s, the mobile industry has been upgrading the wireless technology at the rate of one new standard every decade. The first-generation (1G) cell phones launched in the ’80s, although they were not referred to as 1G at the time, were based on an analog … Read more