Hardware Emulation Embraces Machine Learning

https://bit.ly/2TlNz7g Editor’s note: Two years ago, Lauro Rizzatti talked with Thomas Delaye, product engineering director at Siemens EDA, about applying machine learning to hardware emulation. (See: Can AI Help Manage the Data Needed for SoC Verification?) Rizzatti recently asked Delaye for an update. What follows is a condensed version of their conversation. Lauro Rizzatti: Fast forward, … Read more

Hardware-Assisted Verification Through the Years

A quick glance in today’s design verification toolbox reveals a variety of point tools supporting the latest system-on-chip (SoC) design development. When combined and reinforced by effective verification methodologies, these tools trace even the most hard-to-find bug, whether in software or in hardware. The focus on tools and delivering a tightly woven integration between complementary … Read more

Smoothing the Wrinkles of Chip Design Verification and Validation

If chip design had a face, it would have a wrinkle or two, an especially deep one caused by the increasingly complex challenge of hardware and software verification. Until recently, these two elements of a system design were done separately and at different times, with hardware design often beginning way ahead of software development. Generic … Read more

11 Myths About Hardware-Assisted Verification

Verification expert Dr. Lauro Rizzatti debunks the myths surrounding the two tool classes of HAV platforms—hardware emulators and FPGA prototypes. What you’ll learn: What are hardware emulators and FPGA prototypes? Who are the main players in this market? What are the two modes that HAV platforms operate in, and which is preferable? Editor’s Note: Following the … Read more

Market-Driven Trends in Hardware Emulation

Five of the largest semiconductor vertical markets are combining to drive several of the widest industry trends: unending growth in design complexity and size, proliferation of peripherals, increase in computing power, surging I/O traffic activity, and a critical need to contain the otherwise escalating energy consumption. The cumulative effects of these trends impact dramatically the design … Read more

FPGAs in the Storm

EETimes The 35-year-old field programmable gate array (FPGA) is one of the most impressive semiconductor devices ever created, short of the central processing unit (CPU). Today, it is more popular than ever before, reinvigorated by its intrinsic raw processing power and adaptability, a perfect match for accommodating the rapid evolution of the electronic industry. It … Read more

Meeting the Need for Hardware-Assisted Verification

SemiWiki Editor’s Note: Siemens EDA recently introduced a comprehensive hardware-assisted verification system comprised of hardware, software and system verification that streamlines and optimizes verification cycles while helping reduce verification cost. What follows is an edited version of an interview Verification Expert Lauro Rizzatti conducted with Jean-Marie Brunet, senior director of product management and engineering for emulation … Read more

Moving to Virtual Prototyping

ElectronicDesign A unified virtual-prototyping environment allows verification to progress with models early, gradually building the system as different pieces emerge from development, breaking dependencies between hardware design groups and software developers. Electronic systems are no longer generic hardware blocks assembled into a system that executes the software. That time-honored hardware design approach proceeded without considering … Read more

Software-Defined Verification and Validation Environment for Complex SoCs

ECD Chip design verification is a persistent obstacle that often prevents on-time product delivery. A unified software-enabled verification and validation environment could be the way to break dependencies between hardware design groups and software developers. With a unified environment, verification could progress with models early on, building the system as different pieces emerge from development. … Read more