Hardware emulation: Tool of choice for verification and validation

Source: Embedded Computing Design Design in any discipline – electronics, mechanical, aerospace, etc. – begins with a specification that captures what the end product should do and essentially drives the entire development cycle. In the early stages of development, the first task uses the specification to verify the design under development works correctly and is error-free. … Read more

Hardware Emulation for Software Validation (Part 2): Hybrid Emulation and Trace-Based Debug

Advances in running and debugging software are making the emulation platform a viable and cost-effective way to begin software-development tasks earlier Source: Electronic Design Editor’s Note: Lauro Rizzatti went to Russell Klein, director of engineering at Mentor Graphicsand a hardware emulation expert, to learn more about hybrid emulation. This column is co-authored by the two of them. Hardware … Read more

Hardware-assisted verification, from its dawn to SystemVerilog, UVM, and transactors

Source: EDN My [LR’s] first exposure to hardware emulation happened circa 1995 upon visiting a major processor firm in Austin, Texas. Its lab was jam-packed from floor to ceiling with monstrous hardware emulators of different generations from Quickturn, the leader at the time. What shocked me was the sight of a huge and messy bundle of … Read more

DVCon US: Machine Learning Lands in EDA

Source: EDACafe Each DVCon event tends to have a common thread throughout the keynote presentations, panels, sponsored lunches, tutorial and technical sessions. I would pick “machine learning” as the new EDA frontier for DVCon US 2017, held in San Jose, Calif., at the DoubleTree Hotel February 27-March 2. In the keynote and panels machine learning was … Read more

Data Storage: The Hard Disk Drive

Source: EE Times Currently, the most widely-used storage device is the Hard Disk Drive (HDD), but its popularity is rapidly declining. In an earlier column — Digital Data Storage is Undergoing Mind-Boggling Growth — we considered the mind-boggling growth of electronic data, which exceeded 10,000 exabytes or 10 zettabytes in 2016. By 2020, the volume of … Read more

February Means DVCon is Coming!

Source: EDACafé If it’s February, that means the chip design verification community is gearing up for the annual DVCon. This year it will be held Monday, February 27, through Thursday, March 2. As always, it will be a jam-packed week full of tutorials, paper sessions and panels. And, of course, the Expo with 32 of … Read more

Hardware Emulation–There’s a DFT ‘App’ for That

A hardware emulator provides enough power to keep the design for testability (DFT) verification schedule on track, increasing yields and ultimately boosting profits Source: Design News The development cycle of an integrated circuit (IC) –– or informally, chip –– from the conceptual stage to production and shipping to end-users involves several stages. One metric to measure … Read more

Hardware Emulation for Software Validation (Part 1): Physical and Virtual Probes

A virtual probe enhances hardware emulation’s appeal as data-center resource for hardware designers and software developers when it comes to verification. Source: Electronic Design Hardware emulation continues to prove itself as a handy tool for hardware/software co-verification and testing the integration of hardware and software. Booting an operating system and executing software applications takes billions … Read more

Hardware emulation for multi-level debugging methodology

Source: Embedded Computing Design Chip design debug is a difficult discipline, and system-on-chip (SoC) design has made it more so. It’s like the proverbial needle in the haystack. For SoC designs it’s two haystacks, one for software, the other hardware. Software development groups often point a collective finger at the hardware group claiming it’s a … Read more

From Hardware Emulation to High-Frequency Trading Riding the FPGA Wave

In an interview with Lauro Rizzatti, former CEO of EVE, Luc Burgun, explains how he crossed the bridge between hardware emulation and high-frequency trading. Source: EETimes In an interview with Lauro Rizzatti, former CEO of EVE, Luc Burgun, explains how he crossed the bridge between hardware emulation and high-frequency trading. It’s long been assumed that … Read more